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To suffer an abuse of power at the hands of unethical officers, prosecutors and/or judges is one of the grossest inequities and indignities that can be visited upon a citizen of the State. Such abuse cannot be tolerated in a free society.

—STATE OF KANSAS, Appellee, v.ELTON L. SHERMAN, Appellant.

About Us

We are committed to maximizing direct citizens oversight of the Montana legal System

Restoring the rule of law when breached is an obligation of, and should directly involve, all Montanans. We have engaged, not to judge-bash or manipulate, but to decry a judiciary that is self disciplined and essentially is their own arbitrator of whether it has been corrupted and is exclusively regulator of any attorney or judge who would object.
Judicial accountability is a big topic and people come to it from different perspectives. Quests for judicial accountability are as fervent as ever in Montana and America. We propose and maintain that average Americans undertake the power reserved to us by our U.S. constitution to conduct state judicial disciplinary proceedings independently, albeit under the auspices of the state legislature and in accord with due process. The National and Montana forums are grassroots, legislative initiatives to vest panels of private citizens with responsibility for state judicial and other state agencies disciplinary processes.
When our current oversight agencies are negligent, do we really have any oversight? No.

Our contention about the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:
  • The judicial branch of every U.S. state is delegated power by the Constitution to interpret laws, determine their meaning, and settle disputes. State judicial power is one thing.
  • Powers supposedly reserved for state court judges, is quite another.
  • State court judges are known to contend that only they are qualified to regulate and discipline themselves.
  • We submit that for the judicial branch in Montana to competently interpret laws, determine their meaning, and settle disputes-our judges NEED NOT self-discipline.

So what's got it....Per the 10th Amendment of our U.S. constitution, the power to determine whether our state court judges have complied with applicable laws, codes of conduct or ethics regulations is reserved collectively to the people of Montana and all other States.
We seek to maximize direct citizen oversight of Montana's judiciary and other government agencies.

Mission and vision

Our mission
To guide and educate Montana Citizens and legislators about meaningful judicial oversight. To ensure the lawful, fair, and equitable administration of justice through accountability
Our vision
The Montana Citizens Council on Judicial Accountability strives to be an inspiration, a light, and a mentor by espousing judicial honesty and integrity. The Council will steadily root out unchecked judicial corruption and injustice through implementation of legislation and enforcement of current laws and ethics violations within the Montana judiciary.


The data that The Montana Citizens Council on Judicial Accountability is utilizing, derives from these Sources:

Montana Child Protection Alliance
The Montana Child Protection Alliance (MCPA) is a non-profit dedicated to raising awareness of children’s rights in Montana and advocating for due process as annotated in MCA 41-7-102.

The National Registry of Exonerations
A project of the Newkirk Center for Science and Society at University of California Irvine, The University of Michigan Law School and Michigan State University College of Law.Founded in 2012.

The Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice:
A national research and policy hub at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School producing and disseminating data driven research designed to prevent errors in the criminal justice system.

Fair and Just Prosecution
Bringing together a network of leaders committed to promoting a justice system grounded in fairness, equity, compassion, and fiscal responsibility.

The Center for Quantitative Criminology
The Journal of Quantitative Criminology publishes papers that apply quantitative techniques to substantive, methodological, or evaluative concerns relevant to the criminological community.


CPS Abuse

CPS Abuse

For the uninformed individuals in Montana whom are unaware of the ongoing and unchecked nefarious actions and behavior by Child Protective Services, this page is devoted to exposing and educating the general public on actual cases currently occurring to innocent families and kids.


Conviction Integrity Unit

"There is a growing consensus about the importance of CIU's scrutinizing past cases where concerns arise in the integrity of the conviction or the existence of misconduct that corrupted the process.".


Montana Judicial Standards

The posted 2019 Biennial Report is from the Montana Judicial Standards Commission which is responsible for oversight of all Montana judges. This report was presented to our 2019 legislature...

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Call us at 406.868.4555 or email at, or fill out the form below. We appreciate your input.

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